SEATTLE, Washington
- Prostitution is the quintessential entrepreneurial activity - its practitioners will do whatever it takes to serve the market. Turns out, in nineteenth-century France, this involved dark-haired gentile prostitutes playing the role of 'The Jewess' - apparently the demand for Jewish prostitutes exceeded the supply.
Did part of the role-playing involve a Jewish mother opening the door during sex and berating the couple - "WHAT, CAN'T YOU FIND A NICE JEWISH BOY? I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE SCHTUPPING A GENTILE BOY! THE SHAME!"?
Been goy so long it looks like Jew to me
Posted by
4/16/2008 06:16:00 PM
yo J... another fascinating post... you need to go with us to the new Bev Place Pub sometime soon....
I am a beer man, you just let J know when you'll be at the All New Beveridge Place Pub.
oh dear. i don't think i can go there again for a while.. unless i wear a disguise and carry fake i.d.
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